How to create Nirmata (NIR) wallet


Nirmata is a new high profitability coin based on the ProgPowZ algorithm.

Nirmata is designed with environmental principles in mind and uses an energy-efficient hybrid consensus algorithm Proof-of-Work (PoW) + Proof-of-Stake (PoS) to minimize the impact on the environment.

Nirmata (NIR) can be exchanged on one of these exchanges: XeggeX, Tradeogre.

We will discuss two methods to create a Nirmata (NIR) coin wallet:

  • Crypto wallet at your PC — Nirmata GUI.
  • Exchange.

We do not recommend mining to exchange. If you choose mining to an exchange, you do so at your own risk. Not your keysnot your crypto!

How to Сreate a Nirmata (NIR) wallet on Your Computer

This method is convenient for professionals who prefer to control their keys and wallets, and store the wallet on their PC.

Some cons: The security of your wallet relies on the security of your computer and the safety of your keys. It is important to ensure that your PC is secure.

Managing a wallet on a PC requires care and caution, and accidental mistakes can have serious consequences. It is not recommended for unexperienced users or novice miners.

  1. Download the wallet client for your operating system from the official Nirmata (NIR) developers website —

  2. Install the client (in our case, for Windows OS);

  3. Open the wallet app after installation is complete;

  4. Specify password to access the appConfirm password → Click "Next";

  5. Click “Create New Wallet”;

  6. Create a name for your walletspecify password to access the wallet → confirm password to access the wallet → click "Select Wallet Location" and select the folder to create the wallet → then click "Create Wallet";

  7. Create security password to access the Seed-phrase → confirm password → click "Generate Secure Seed";

  8. You will receive a secret phrase consisting of 26 words. It is crucial to securely store these words in the same order as they appear on your screen since losing them means losing access to your wallet! You can copy this combination by clicking the button “Copy”. Next, click "Create wallet".

  9. Your wallet is ready to work! Go to "Receive" tab. Click on the icon next to the wallet address to copy it. Use it for mining, or to receive coins to your account.

    Wait for synchronization to complete — this is a long process and can take several hours. Only after synchronization is complete you will see the correct wallet balance.

How to Register a Nirmata (NIR) wallet on the Exchange

This method is convenient because you don’t need to register multiple wallets. Everything is stored on one exchange, and all coins and wallets are easily accessible. You can immediately exchange or trade your cryptocurrency without any hassle.

Some cons: The security of all your exchange wallets depends on the security of your exchange account. To ensure the utmost security, make sure to secure your email, exchange account, and enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

Keep in mind that sometimes exchanges change the address for depositing cryptocurrencies. The pool will not be able to change the address to which you are mining, so some of the cryptocurrency may be lost.

  1. Register with any exchange that provides the option to trade Nirmata (XeggeX is used in the example);

  2. After signing up, select "Wallet" → Enter "NIR" in the search bar, find the coin "NIR" → Click “Deposit”;

  3. Get "Your Deposit Address";

  4. Done! You have got the wallet address for deposits to the exchange. Start by clicking on the icon next to the wallet address to copy it. You can then use it to mine or receive coins to your wallet.

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