How Long Does the Pool Keep Coins?


The Kryptex Pool is not a wallet or an exchange, and it is not suitable for storing funds long-term, as your personal wallet.

The Pool stores your balance of an inactive wallet for 90 days. After this period, your wallet data on the Pool will be deleted, the balance will be reset, and the coins will be lost.

An inactive wallet is one that no one is mining to.
If you continue to mine on the Pool, your wallet remains active, and your balance is secure.

Stopped Mining? Withdraw Your Coins!

The Kryptex Pool is always on the miners' side, and our payout limits are very low.
We also cover withdrawal fees on those coins where possible.

If you've stopped mining, withdraw your coins to avoid losing them:

  • Open the "Settings" section on the Pool.
  • Set the minimum payout threshold (you can find the minimum payout value for each coin on the main page of the Kryptex Pool).
  • Specify the IP address of your worker that has submitted the most shares.
  • Apply the settings. The Pool will send a payout to your wallet within an hour.

If the Settings section is inactive, start mining to your wallet address.
Submit at least one share to reactivate the settings section.

Need Help?

Need help withdrawing coins or having trouble setting the minimum payout threshold on the Pool? Contact support — we're happy to assist!

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