Ebang Ebit E11+ 37 Th

Ebang Ebit E11+ 37 Th

  • Algorithm: SHA-256
  • Hashrate: 37.00 TH/s
  • Power: 2035W • 55 J/T
  • Price: $300.00 • 8.11 $/T

Ebit E11+ 37 Th Description

Ebit E11+ 37 Th from Ebang mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 37.00 TH/s for a power consumption of 2035W

Hashrate Ebit E11+ 37 Th

Koin: eCash Hashrate: 37.00 TH/s Revenue: 86933.05 XEC • $1.72 Profit: $-0.23
Koin: Bitcoin Hashrate: 37.00 TH/s Revenue: 0.0000 BTC • $1.69 Profit: $-0.26
Koin: BitcoinCash Hashrate: 37.00 TH/s Revenue: 0.01 BCH • $1.69 Profit: $-0.26
Koin: Fractal Bitcoin Hashrate: 37.00 TH/s Revenue: 1.96 FB • $1.61 Profit: $-0.34

Ebit E11+ 37 Th Specifications

  • Type asic
  • Power 2035 W
  • Hashrate 37 Th/s
  • Noise level 72 Db
  • Temperature 0-45 °C
  • Manufacturer Ebang

Download Ebit E11+ 37 Th firmware

Get ready to download a firmware upgrade for your Ebit E11+ 37 Th that will soon be available here! Firmware is designed to boost hashrate and reduce power consumption.

↓ Segera hadir

Where to buy Ebang Ebit E11+ 37 Th

Looking to purchase a Ebit E11+ 37 Th? We've compiled an up-to-date list of verified vendors and authorized retailers that offer Ebit E11+ 37 Th for sale. This curated selection includes both online shops and physical stores to help you make an informed buying decision.

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Ebang Ebit E11+ 37 Th Mining Profitability

The profitability chart shows the revenue from mining the most profitable coin on Ebit E11+ 37 Th on a given day minus the electricity costs.

  • Daily profit: $-0.2300 86933.0458 XEC
  • Weekly profit: $-1.6100 608531.3206 XEC
  • Monthly profit: $-6.90 2607991.3741 XEC
  • Annual profit: $-83.95 31730561.7188 XEC
