Pool Statistics

  • Paiement Min. 10 KAS
  • Paiement Max. 500000 KAS
  • Taux de hachage 2.89 PH/s
  • Mineurs 421
  • Travailleurs 1035

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  • Global

  • Europe

  • USA

  • Asia

  • Brazil

  • wallet/worker
  • or
  • email/worker
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Taux de hachage
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KAS profitability rating: 85 High

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Mine KAS, receive USDT

Use email as a wallet to get:

  • Bank card, BTC, USDT, Volet, and even gift card withdrawals
  • Instant withdrawal as soon as you reach $1
  • Smart auto-exchange of KAS to a more stable BTC

Créez un portefeuille pour votre monnaie

How to connect to the Kryptex KAS Pool

Navigate to the ASIC interface following the manufacturer's instructions, and then access the pool settings section.

Configure the settings as follows:

  1. URL KAS Pool Address:
    • (a) stratum+tcp://kas.kryptex.network:7777
    • (b) kas.kryptex.network:7777
  2. KAS Wallet Address and Worker:
  3. Mot de passe:
    • Leave blank or use 'X'
  4. Apply settings and reboot your ASIC. Pool connection may take up to 10-20 minutes depending on ASIC model.

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Votre demande sera traitée par notre équipe qualifiée de mineurs. Nous vous aidons sur l'équipement, la configuration et la mise en service de toute sorte.

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