Canaan Avalon A1346 110Th

Canaan Avalon A1346 110Th

  • Algorithm: SHA-256
  • Хэшрейт: 110.00 TH/s
  • Power: 3300W • 30 J/T
  • Price: $1100.00 • 10 $/T

Avalon A1346 110Th Description

Avalon A1346 110Th from Canaan mining SHA-256 algorithm with a maximum hashrate of 110.00 TH/s for a power consumption of 3300W

Хэшрейт Avalon A1346 110Th

Монета: eCash Хэшрейт: 110.00 TH/s Revenue: 263322.89 XEC • $6.14 Profit: $2.97
Монета: Fractal Bitcoin Хэшрейт: 110.00 TH/s Revenue: 6.60 FB • $5.95 Profit: $2.78
Монета: Bitcoin Хэшрейт: 110.00 TH/s Revenue: 0.0001 BTC • $5.46 Profit: $2.29
Монета: BitcoinCash Хэшрейт: 110.00 TH/s Revenue: 0.02 BCH • $5.43 Profit: $2.26

Avalon A1346 110Th Specifications

  • Type asic
  • Power 3300 W
  • Хэшрейт 110 Th/s
  • Noise level 75 Db
  • Temperature 20-50 °C
  • Manufacturer Canaan

Download Avalon A1346 110Th firmware

Get ready to download a firmware upgrade for your Avalon A1346 110Th that will soon be available here! Firmware is designed to boost hashrate and reduce power consumption.

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Where to buy Canaan Avalon A1346 110Th

Looking to purchase a Avalon A1346 110Th? We've compiled an up-to-date list of verified vendors and authorized retailers that offer Avalon A1346 110Th for sale. This curated selection includes both online shops and physical stores to help you make an informed buying decision.

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Canaan Avalon A1346 110Th Mining Profitability

The profitability chart shows the revenue from mining the most profitable coin on Avalon A1346 110Th on a given day minus the electricity costs.

  • Daily profit: $2.9700 263322.8882 XEC
  • Weekly profit: $20.7900 1843260.2173 XEC
  • Monthly profit: $89.10 7899686.6455 XEC
  • Annual profit: $1084.05 96112854.1864 XEC
