Pool Statistics

  • Pago mínimo 0.1 XEL
  • Pago máximo 10000 XEL
  • Hashrate 252.50 MH/s
  • Mineros 353
  • Mineros 3158

Comenzar a minar

  • Global

  • Europe

  • wallet/worker
  • or
  • email/worker
Comenzar a minar

Calculate Revenue

Estimated revenue per day


XEL profitability rating: 45 Low

We recommend switching to a more profitable coin.

Comenzar a minar Xelis ahora

  • Windows
  • HiveOS
  • RaveOS

Mine XEL, receive USDT

Use email as a wallet to get:

  • Bank card, BTC, USDT, Volet, and even gift card withdrawals
  • Instant withdrawal as soon as you reach $1
  • Smart auto-exchange of XEL to a more stable BTC

Crea cartera para tus monedas

Nosotros recomendamos Xelis Wallet.

How to connect mmpOS to Kryptex

Creación de la XEL Cartera

To add a wallet, select “Wallets” from the left menu, and then click “Add wallet”.

  1. Nombra la cartera como desees.
  2. Elija el tipo de moneda XEL.
  3. Introduzca su propia dirección de monedero para la moneda minera específica: XEL .
  4. Press “Create Wallet”.

Add Kryptex Pool

To add a pool, select “Pools” from the left menu, and then click “Add pool”.

  1. Name the pool as you wish.
  2. Elija el tipo de moneda XEL.
  3. Select the previously created wallet for the XEL.
  4. Enter the pool address xel.kryptex.network.
  5. Enter the pool port: 7777, or use the port 8888 for an SLL connection.
  6. Enter the connection template: %wallet_address%/%rig_name%%miner_id%.
  7. Press “Create pool”.

Add the Mining Profile

To add a profile, select “Miner Profiles” from the left menu, and then click “Add profile”.

  1. Name the profile as you wish.
  2. Elija el tipo de moneda XEL.
  3. Choose the mining platform.
  4. Choose the miner you wish.
  5. Choose the miner’s version if required.
  6. Choose the Kryptex Pool, you have created earlier, for the XEL coin.
  7. Press “Create Profile”.

Conectar la plataforma minera al Pool

Select “Rigs” from the left menu, and choose your mining rig.

  1. Press the Profile Switching button.
  2. Choose the Mining Profile, you have created earlier, for the XEL coin and the Kryptex Pool.
  3. Press the “Switch” button. If you done everything right, you will see the statistics in your pool cabinet in 15-20 minutes after start.

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